Tailor’s tools

Tailor’s tools

In the past, there were no shops in Cyprus from which to buy ready-made clothes. Instead, the male tailors were responsible for creating men clothing and the female tailors for female clothing. People would buy fabric from the shop, which they would then take to their tailor to create for them their ‘foreshia’ (traditional suit).

  • Stone and ruler: Used to mark the fabric before cutting, as well as for cleaning the suit after the fitting.
  • ‘Karfitsero’ (Sewing pin cushion): Fastened by the tailor on their left arm to take sewing pins from during the fitting.
  • ‘Sidero’ (Iron): Heated up on open coals and used for the ironing of clothes.
  • ‘Apparos’ (Ironing horse): Used for the ironing of clothes, particularly the jacket.
  • ‘Kampouro’: Used to open-up the fabric stiches, to allow for the insertion of canvas placed on the inside of the fabric to give it shape and help pronounce the chest and shoulders of the jacket.